If you work with or are a brand that wants to tap into today’s busy parents – especially the ones with teens and tweens in the house, we’d love to work with you! We offer product and service reviews, giveaways, and advertising.
Our readers are constantly asked on a daily basis “can you buy me this? Can you buy me that”. Parents of teens/tweens spend a much higher amount on their kids wants and needs than our counterparts who are parents to babes and tots. In addition to our readers, our KIDS also have their own money and are being taught that they have a choice where to spend it. We’re also looking for ways to make our lives run more efficiently.
Are you getting ready to roll out a new product line or service and want brutally honest feedback? We can also work with you to put together a panel of teen/tween experts in the field.
To receive more information or a customized advertising plan, please email us at manisha.puri88@gmail.com and someone will get back to you quickly!