Is Creatine Safe For Teens?

Is Creatine Safe For Teens?

Creatine is a dietary supplement. It is marked safe for teens by the sports organizations. It is widely popular among the high school teenagers. So, if you are in a dilemma- is it safe for a teenager to take creatine? The answer is a clear Yes. The article aims to answer all relevant queries that … Read more

Teen Vaping -Why Is Vaping Bad For Teens?

Why is vaping bad for teens

E-cigarette usage is hazardous for children, adolescents, and young adults. Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine. Nicotine is extremely addictive and detrimental to teenage and early to mid-20s brain development. E-cigarettes may contain hazardous compounds in addition to nicotine. Nicotine in vaping devices exposes adolescents to various long-term impacts, including mental problems, diminished impulse control, and addiction. … Read more